Monday, October 6, 2008

For Mothers whos toddlers watch Noggin

Is anyone else disturbed about this episode of Little Bear where the duck sits on Emily's doll and they hold a funeral for Lucy bc she is "dead"... how morbid is this? my 2 year old is watching this show and its the 3rd time i seen this episode... and right now they are saying all these things about Lucy and put her in a BOX!!! and picked flowers and making believe they are crying and they are throwing dirt on the damn doll!! whats up with this!! what do you think about your child watching this type of morbid shit?

Seriously I shut the damn thing off and she cried and cried and I consoled her and used my OnDemand to turn on a different episode of Little Bear for her. I really cant believe that Noggin (Nickelodean) would air such a terrible episode for kids to watch. I'm pretty sure that us as mothers and fathers would rather teach the "Circle of Life" to our children ourselves instead of having these characters doing it in such a disturbing manor. Maybe if they conducted it in a different way it would be alright but I can't imagine why they would do it this way.

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