Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ok, I get it, You're a better Muslim than me... Geez!!!

If you are anything like me, you "Like" every single Islamic page on Facebook in hopes of learning more and being guided the right way. I am pretty sure I am no longer going to be doing this lol.. I have found some really great pages that are so loving and willing to accept people the way they are, even people who are NOT Muslims join these pages because of the way they present themselves to others, and the nature of their posts are extremely beautiful and less than insulting in anyway to any person regardless of religion. Many pages love to spread the word of God and/or Hadiths to anyone who listens...
But it is those pages that will do anything to prove someone wrong, or answer questions in a demeaning way that I will be looking out for from now on. If I ask a question that I am really looking to have answered, I would rather be answered in a way that does not make me feel like I am inferior, or I am not a real Muslim..
I don't even bother to answer back, I just delete my question, and move on. But that being said, how can we know the "type" of  people who are running the pages before we "Like" them? truthfully, I'm not sure there is a way. 
I THOUGHT being a Muslim meant having patience with others, especially with other Muslims trying to get by, and living the best way they know how. I'm not bad, but I'm not perfect... I'm not overindulged with religion either...  I do what I think is best for both myself, and my family and I cant please everyone.

To me, being Muslim means submitting to God, obeying Him the best you can, and applying His word to your everyday life as much as you can (and of course, that includes the 5 pillars of Islam.) I struggle enough with my own self, I dont need more criticism from my peers. If anyone asks me for guidance with anything, I answer the best I can,  knowing that I do not hold any superior power over anybody else, and I surely DO NOT make anyone feel that way either. If I can answer a question, I do it in good faith. AND I always let that person know that they are not alone, and I, too, struggled with this situation (whatever it may be) in the past.

I will tell ya, Its not easy being a reverted Muslim.. most people expect you to just KNOW things, AND will likely give you a not-so-nice look if they do not approve.. and trust me, I get enough of those looks from non-Muslims for wearing hijab..(otherwise most people do not realize I am a Muslim unless I'm wearing one..)
Its like, no matter what I do I'm wrong.. or someone is always going to have a problem with me somehow. Cant you just let me be me!? If im a Muslim-American, then thats who I am.. If I was a crack whore, I'd get a lot LESS shit from people lol Ain't that the truth?!?!?!?..
Dont get me wrong, the majority of Muslims always accept me the way I am, and I love my peers and my elder Muslims very much. They have been more than helpful and accepting. I am mainly talking about the "holier-than-thou" people (Muslim and non-Muslim).
There is always room for improvement in every single person, so instead of picking on everyone else, why dont you just take a look at yourselves and try to change the "ugly" in you...(and I do not mean looks-wise).
Thank you for reading lol


Isra1986 said...

There will always be "those" types! Just be yourself, know that we are ALL human, even the "holier than thou" people and we are all equal in Allah's eyes! Revert, born Muslim, we all struggle!

Danielle said...

love love love you Isra... I will always keep that in mind... But I think there are some who forget that lol

Kris said...

Awww hugs...

Danielle said...

Thank you MK xoxo